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25. S. Bouchebti, Y. Gershon, A. Gordin, D. Huchon, E. Levin, 2024. Tolerance and efficient metabolization of extremely high ethanol concentrations by a social wasp. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 121:e2410874121.


24. S. Bouchebti, E. Levin, 2024. Differential fatty acids utilization across life stages in a Vespa species. Journal of Comparative Physiology B, 1-7.


23. S. Bouchebti, E. Levin, 2024. Gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) in flower nectar and its possible physiological and behavioral effects on insect pollinators. Current Opinion in Insect Science. 64, 101206.


22. L. Bodner, W. Jasinka, S. Bouchebti, I. Scharf, Y. Brotman, E. Levin, 2024. Metabolomics analysis of larval secretions reveals a nutritional shift in a social wasp colony. Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 104128.​


21. R. Seltzer, A. Domer,  S. Bouchebti, A. Drabkin, E. Levin, 2023. The fa(c)ts that matter: Bumble bees differentially allocate and oxidate three common fatty acids in pollen. Journal of Insect physiology, 104552.


20. S. Bouchebti, A. Domer, L. Bodner, E. Levin, 2023. Passive heat diffusion in nests with downward-facing cells: implications for early colony development in social wasps. Journal of Thermal Biology, 116, 103657.​​


19. R. Seltzer, A. Domer, L. Bodner, S. Bouchebti, M. Malkeh, E. Amsalem, E. Levin, 2023. The effect of bumble bee gynes’ reproductive status on the response to CO2 narcosis. Journal of Apicultural Research 62 (5), 1043-1051


18. S. Bouchebti, T. Magory Cohen, L. Bodner, E. Levin, 2023. Chitin digestion in a eusocial insect: the digestive role of larvae in hornet colonies. Entomologia Generalis,43 (2), 491-494.

DOI: 10.1127/entomologia/2023/1827


17. S. Bouchebti, L. Bodner, E. Levin, 2022. Continuous exchange of nectar nutrients in an Oriental hornet colony. Communications Biology, 5, 1112.


16. N. Cohen, M. Volov, L. Bodner, S. Bouchebti, E. Levin, 2022. Body size, metabolic rate, and diapause in the Oriental hornet (Vespa orientalis), in two extreme climatic regions. Ecological Entomology, 1-10.


15. S. Bouchebti, G. Wright, S.Shafir, 2022. Macronutrient balance has opposing effects on cognition and survival in honey bees. Functional Ecology 36 (10), 2558-2568.


14. S. Bouchebti, L. Bodner, M. Bergman, T. Magory Cohen, E. Levin, 2022. The effects of dietary proline, β-alanine, and γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) on the nest construction behavior in the Oriental hornet (Vespa orientalis). Scientific Reports, 12, 7449.


13. L. Bodner, S. Bouchebti, O. Watted, R. Seltzer, A. Drabkin, E. Levin, 2022. Nutrient utilization during male maturation and protein digestion in the Oriental hornet. Biology, 11, 241.


12. S. Bouchebti, F. Cortés-Fossati, A. Vales Estepa, M. Plaza Lozano, D. S. Calovi, S. Arganda, 2022. Sex-specific effect of the dietary protein to carbohydrate ratio on personality in the Dubia cockroach. Insects, 13 (2), 133.


11. L. Bodner, S. Bouchebti, E. Levin, 2021. Allocation and metabolism of naturally occurring dietary amino acids in the Oriental hornet. Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 139: 103675.


10. M. Volov, N. Cohen, L. Bodner, S. Dubiner, A. Hefetz, S. Bouchebti, E. Levin, 2021. The effect of climate and diet on body lipid composition in the oriental hornet (Vespa orientalis). Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 9:755331.


9. M.O. Laurent-Salazar, S. Bouchebti, M. Lihoreau, 2021. Gregarious cockroaches. Encyclopedia of Social Insects, 445-450



8. S. Bouchebti, S. Arganda, 2020. Insect lifestyle and evolution of brain morphology. Current Opinion in Insect Science, 42, 90-96.​


7. S. Bouchebti, R. Vacchi Travaglini, L. C. Forti, V. Fourcassié, 2019. Dynamics of physical trail construction and of trail usage in the leaf-cutting ant Atta laevigata. Ethology Ecology & Evolution, 31(2), 105–120.


6. N. Simcock, H. Gray, S. Bouchebti, G. A. Wright, 2018. Appetitive olfactory learning and memory in the honeybee depend on sugar reward identity. Journal of Insect Physiology, 106, 71-77.


5. S. Arganda, S. Bouchebti, S. Bazazi, S. Le Hesran, C. Puga, G. Latil, S. Simpson, A. Dussutour, 2017. Parsing the life-shortening effects of dietary protein: effects of individual amino acids. Proceedings of the Royal Society B, 284:20162052.


4. S. Bouchebti, V. Durier, C Pasquaretta, C. Rivault, M. Lihoreau, 2016. Subsocial cockroaches Nauphoeta cinerea mate indiscriminately with kin despite high costs of inbreeding. PLoS ONE 11(9): e0162548.


3. N. Caldato, L. C. Forti, S. Bouchebti, J. F. Lopes, V. Fourcassié, 2016. Activity pattern and herbivory rates of the grass-cutting ant Atta capiguara. Insectes Sociaux, 63, 421-428.


2. S. Bouchebti, S. Ferrere, K. Vittori, G. Latil, A. Dussutour, V. Fourcassié, 2015. Contact rate modulates foraging activity in leaf-cutting ants. Scientific Reports, 5, 18650.


1. S. Bouchebti, C. Jost, N. Caldato, L. C. Forti, V. Fourcassié, 2015. Comparative study of resistance to heat in two species of leaf-cutting ants. Insectes Sociaux, 62, 97 -99.

Mitrani Department of Desert Ecology, The Jacob Blaustein Institutes for Desert Research, Sde-Boqer Campus, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Midreshet Ben-Gurion 8499000, Israel

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